Click here to learn more about how we treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea at Dream Dental, part of S&G Family Dentistry

Get the sleep you deserve

Sleep Apnea Treatment

We offer treatment for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea at Dream Dental, part of S&G Family Dentistry!

Schedule a Consultation

We offer treatment for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea at Dream Dental, part of S&G Family Dentistry

Schedule a Consultation

Have you been told you snore? You might have obstructive sleep apnea, a disorder where your breathing stops during sleep. Left untreated, obstructive sleep apnea can lead to health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, dementia, and even death.

Dream Dental, part of S&G Family Dentistry, can provide you with solutions to be free from sleep apnea and get a better night’s rest. Our dental team will discuss the many benefits of sleep apnea treatment.

Schedule a Consultation

Schedule a consultation to discuss treatments with our trained staff, including CPAP alternatives

Dream Dental, part of S&G Family Dentistry, offers custom-made oral appliances to stop snoring and improve sleep quality. If you cannot use a CPAP mask or want an alternative to CPAP treatment, we have a solution.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

Dream Dental, part of S&G Family Dentistry, offers custom-made oral appliances to stop snoring and improve sleep quality. If you cannot use a CPAP mask or want an alternative to CPAP treatment, we have a solution.

We can help you with:

  • Eliminate snoring, helping you and your bed partner sleep better
  • Help you feel better and more rested during the day to improve your concentration
  • Improve your overall health and vitality
  • Potentially eliminate the need for CPAP therapy

Our custom appliances will:

  • Fit comfortably in your mouth without needing a bulky mask or nasal pillows
  • Open your airway to eliminate obstructions that cause sleep disturbances
  • Help you sleep better, so you feel more rested upon waking

Get the Facts on sleep apnea

Do you experience snoring, fatigue, or headaches? These are all symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. While these symptoms may have other causes, they are common signs that you’re suffering from sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea can affect more than just how you feel in the morning. Research indicates that it may also contribute to high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes, and heart attacks.

Dream Dental, a part of S&G Family Dentistry, is ready to help you eliminate the adverse effects of sleep apnea on you and your loved ones. Our sleep apnea treatment is comfortable and worry-free. It can help you get a better night’s sleep, feel better, and improve your overall health. Plus, your bed partner will sleep better when you quit snoring!

Quit feeling lethargic and irritable during the day. Schedule a consultation today and get started sleeping better and improving your overall health!

Do you need to report compliance to the Department of Transportation (DOT) or your employer for treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

If your oral appliance already uses a DentiTrac compliance chip recorder, you can bring your device in to have compliance data read. A copy of your compliance report will be sent to you and your physician.

Are you looking for an appliance with a compliance chip?

We can help you get an oral appliance with a compliance chip.

How does it work?

  • Patients already using an oral appliance with a DentiTrac chip recorder can schedule an appointment to bring in their oral appliance. We will read it and send you and your physician a compliance report
  • New patients can schedule an appointment for an initial consult

If you or your bed partner is suffering from snoring or may have obstructive sleep apnea, call (913) 451-2929 today or go online to schedule a consultation and get the sleep you deserve.